David Johnson commented on
New ATAC website launched!
2017-03-16 09:57:02 -0700
it is very upsetting that people are fighting the war of addiction and not able to benifit a better way of life that we pride ourselves as a program love to hear success for all our work. insurence companies are sadly not considering thier clients needs and how serious drugs and addiction really are with some more so then others. recently client who is a business owner reached out to come back to program and was not able to afford to pay out of pocket and deductable owed program could not afford to take him in. He since died from alcohol addiction.. another client we had to discharge gary cause healthnet denied him services based on medical nesseccity although we fought for him they would not listen. The next day he was driving under the influence lost control and drove off a cliff and died point of impact coroner came to facility to tell us and find next of kin sad healthnet is about how they can benifit financailly rather then care for their clients who need it